Farmer Harvests
First Harvest
What does RegenAg really need in order to thrive in the Sub-Saharan African context?
In October of 2021, RegenAg SA invited a group of established and successful Regenerative Agriculture practitioners from farming, research, agronomic consulting, and the Regenerative supply chain into a workshopped conversation to help us answer this question.
What followed was an inspiring conversation that began in the realm of soil health, biodiversity, and farming practice, but rooted itself firmly into the importance of community, mentorship, ecological literacy, connection to land, and a regenerative knowledge commons. The event was harvested into a word-field mind-map which presents a touchstone for future conversations and initiatives by RegenAg SA.
Below is a recording of the Harvest.
Additional resources from this event include the mind-map (downloadable pdf) and guest list. (with some detail from the mind-map at the bottom of the page)